Expired · Friday, Mar 31, 2023
Flags Around the World
Presented by Pexels
Cash Prize & Instagram Feature
🥇 $100 USD
🥈 $50 USD

The top submissions will be featured in a special collection and Instagram Reel on the main Pexels page ✨
Ready to win the challenge?
5.4K other photographers and videographers have joined the challenge

For this challenge we want to celebrate our global community through your best photos and videos featuring flags from around the world.

Whether you are repping your home country or showing off the places you've visited - submit your best photos and video of flags for a chance to win. 

2 winners will be chosen by the curation team to win a cash prize. The top submissions will also featured in a special collection and an Instagram Reel on the main Pexels account. 


En este reto queremos celebrar nuestra comunidad global a través de las mejores fotografías y vídeos con banderas de todo el mundo.

Ya sea representando a tu país de origen o mostrando los lugares que has visitado, ¡Sube tus mejores fotos y vídeos de banderas para tener  oportunidad de ganar!

2 Ganadores serán elegidos por el equipo de Curaduría de Pexels y ganarán premios en efectivo. Las mejores fotos o videos se publicarán en una colección especial en la página de Pexels y en Instagram Reel  en la cuenta de IG global de Pexels.


Para este desafio, queremos celebrar nossa comunidade global por meio de suas melhores fotos e vídeos com bandeiras de todo o mundo.

Esteja você representando seu país de origem ou exibindo os lugares que visitou - envie suas melhores fotos e vídeos de bandeiras para ter uma chance de ganhar.

2 vencedores serão escolhidos pela equipe de curadoria para ganhar um prêmio em dinheiro. Os melhores envios também serão apresentados em uma coleção especial e um Instagram Reel na conta principal do Pexels.

Tips & Conditions

Submissions will be accepted until Mach 31, 2023 at 7:59 PM.

Winners must claim their prize within 30 days of the winner announcement date.

Upload as many relevant photos and videos as you want to increase your chances of winning.

All photos and videos get published under the Pexels License and can be used for free.

Only upload your own photos and videos.

Only photos and videos uploaded for the first time to Pexels will be accepted.
Winners of the challenge (2)
Win a Cash Prize & Instagram Feature
🥇 $100 USD
🥈 $50 USD

The top submissions will be featured in a special collection and Instagram Reel on the main Pexels page ✨
Photographers and Videographers (5.4K)
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