Expired · Sunday, Jul 31, 2022
Friendship Challenge
Presented by Pexels
$100 or $50 USD Cash Prize
$100 for best photo or video.
$50 for runner up.
Winners will be chosen by the Pexels curation team.
Ready to win the challenge?
3.67K other photographers and videographers have joined the challenge

We're better when we're together! For this challenge we are celebrating the quality time we spend with other people.

We want to see your best photos and videos capturing friends, furry friends, and loved ones.

Winners will be chosen by the Pexels curation team.

Tips & Conditions

Submissions will be accepted until July 31, 2022 at 7:59 PM.

Winners must claim their prize within 30 days of the winner announcement date.

Upload as many relevant photos and videos as you want to increase your chances of winning.

All photos and videos get published under the Pexels License and can be used for free.

Only upload your own photos and videos.

Only photos and videos uploaded for the first time to Pexels will be accepted.
Winner of the challenge
Win a $100 or $50 USD Cash Prize
$100 for best photo or video.
$50 for runner up.
Winners will be chosen by the Pexels curation team.
Photographers and Videographers (3.67K)
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