Expired · Wednesday, Jan 31, 2018
January Photo Challenge
Ready to win the challenge?
3.78K other photographers have joined the challenge
It's the start of a new year and this photo challenge is all about resolutions. Whether it's to exercise more, travel more, spend more time with your partner or family, find a new hobby, advance your career, enjoy life in the city or country, or take more risks, now's your chance to share your best shots of the stuff that moves you this January. Feel free to get as abstract or literal as you'd like. For this challenge we've partnered with Think Tank Photo to select the three winning shots. Their products are born from the collaborative efforts of professional photographers and product designers.
Tips & Conditions
  1. Submissions will be accepted until 31 Jan 23:59.
  2. Upload as many relevant photos as you want to increase your chances of winning.
  3. All photos get published under the Pexels License and can be used for free.
  4. Only upload your own photos.
  5. Only photos uploaded for the first time to Pexels will be accepted.
Winners of the challenge (3)
Win a Retrospective 7 DSLR bag
Retrospective 7 DSLR bag. The team of professional photographers at Think Tank Photo will select their 3 favorite photos. The winners will take home a stylish and practical Retrospective 7 camera bag.
Think Tank Photo
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Photographers (3.78K)
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