Expired · Friday, Dec 01, 2017
November Photo Challenge
Ready to win the challenge?
2.57K other photographers have joined the challenge
We are looking for the most beautiful photo of the month whether it is a halloween picture, an autumn scenery or something else. For this challenge we partnered with Snappa who will choose the three winner photos.
Tips & Conditions
  1. Submissions will be accepted until 01 Dec 23:59.
  2. Upload as many relevant photos as you want to increase your chances of winning.
  3. All photos get published under the Pexels License and can be used for free.
  4. Only upload your own photos.
  5. Only photos uploaded for the first time to Pexels will be accepted.
Winners of the challenge (3)
Win a One year Snappa subscription
The three photographers with the most beautiful photos win the online graphic tool Snappa. The winners can use Snappa one year for free to create beautiful graphics without the need of a graphic designer!
Photographers (2.57K)
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