Expired · Wednesday, Jan 31, 2024
Homepage Challenge: Peach
Presented by Pexels
Homepage feature
🏅 10 winners chosen by the curation team will be featured on the Pexels homepage
Ready to win the challenge?
4.95K other photographers and videographers have joined the challenge

Peach is recognized as the 2024 color of the year. In honor of the warm and fuzzy hue, we are starting the year off with the Homepage: Peach Challenge. For this challenge we want to see how you showcase shades of peach in your photos and videos.

Submit your best photos and videos featuring peach, a velvety tone that comforts the senses and radiates with timeless elegance. Think fuzzy peaches, warm light at sunset, peach colored sandy beaches, a refreshing cup of peach iced tea.

🏅10 winners will be selected to be featured on the Pexels homepage which has over 30 million visitors per month.


Why Share Your Photos on Pexels?

Sharing your photography on Pexels means helping creative people all over the world find inspiration and tell their own stories — from teachers to artists, and photographers like you. Not only will your work help people, your photos will also reach a global audience and you can follow your stats on Pexels. Don’t be surprised if you quickly reach millions of views on your photos. 🚀

--------------------------------------------------- ESPAÑOL

El color Durazno ha sido nombrado el color del año 2024. En honor al tono cálido y difuso, comenzamos el Concurso: Color Durazno. Para este desafío queremos ver cómo resaltas los tonos durazno en tus fotos y videos.

Sube tus mejores fotos y videos protagonizados por este color, un tono aterciopelado que reconforta los sentidos e irradia una elegancia atemporal. Piensa en duraznos peludos, luz cálida al atardecer, playas de arena color durazno, una refrescante taza de té helado de durazno.

🏅10 ganadores serán seleccionados para aparecer en la página principal de Pexels con más de 30 millones de visitantes al mes.


¿Por qué compartir tus fotos en Pexels?

Compartir tus fotografías y videos en Pexels significa ayudar a personas creativas de todo el mundo a encontrar inspiración y contar sus propias historias. Desde profesores hasta artistas y fotógrafos como tú. Tu contenido no solo ayudará a las personas, sino que tus fotos y videos también llegarán a una audiencia global y podrás seguir tus estadísticas en Pexels. No te sorprenda si tus fotos o videos alcanzan rápidamente millones de visitas. 🚀🚀

Tips & Conditions
  1. Submissions will be accepted until 31 Jan 23:59.
  2. Upload as many relevant photos and videos as you want to increase your chances of winning.
  3. All photos and videos get published under the Pexels License and can be used for free.
  4. Only upload your own photos and videos.
  5. Only photos and videos uploaded for the first time to Pexels will be accepted.
Winners of the challenge (9)
Win a Homepage feature
🏅 10 winners chosen by the curation team will be featured on the Pexels homepage
Photographers and Videographers (4.95K)
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