var container = document.querySelector('.js-stories') var html = `
What World Photography Day means to the Pexels Community
Philip Aleev Photographs the Magic and Mystery of the Outdoors
Paige Deasley's Photos Capture the Joy of Outdoor Adventures
Vika Kirillova Captures Lightness and Calm in Her Portraits
David Owaga Photographs Genuine Smiles
Photographer Tamara Velazquez is Obsessed with Flowers
Roberto Shumski Captures the Light and Shadows of Landscapes
Nubia Navarro Shoots the Most Perfectly Colorful Street Scenes
Anni Roenkae's Abstract Photography is Inspired by Dreams
Juan N. Gomez's Photos Captures Life As It Is
Milada Vergerova's Playful View of Travel Photography
Kristina Paukshtite Creates Modern Fairy-Tale Photos
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