David Owaga Photographs Genuine Smiles

Welcome to Hero of the Week, an ongoing series sharing stories from some of the best photographers in the Pexels community.

Based in Nairobi, Kenya, David Owaga is a portrait photograper with an eye for genuine feeling. We chatted with him about how he got into photography and the importance of telling a story through portraiture.

Pexels: How did you get started with photography?

David: I've been a photographer for nearly three years now (since 2018).

I had just graduated from high school at the time and I needed a break from all the regular school routine before I went to college, so I told my parents and they agreed to let me try something new.

I chose photography because I always wanted to create content from memories but video equipment was too expensive so I settled for photos— but little did I know this is where my happiness is.

Photo użytkownika davidowaga · Wyświetl Photo

What camera gear do you use?

I use a Canon 1300D with a 18-55mm lens still but I plan on getting a Canon 7D Mark II and a 50mm f/1.4 lens.

What's your favorite type of photography to shoot?

I came to realize I like portraits because they are not complex and they tell a story of happiness.

Most of my work is portraits of people who are genuinely smiling, which in turn makes me smile as well and just keeps a good vibe all through.

Photo użytkownika davidowaga · Wyświetl Photo

What inspires your photography?

I've always wanted to make memories and have a good time. Photography lets me do that by documenting these stamps in time.

Tell us about your favorite photo on your Pexels profile.

It has to be this one:

Photo użytkownika davidowaga · Wyświetl Photo

So this photo happened at an event for creatives, which was my first ever event of such kind to attend, and I ended up meeting this model and we clicked so well and worked so flawlessly together and we've been good friends ever since.

Who are some other photographers or artists who inspire your work?

So here from Kenya I'd say it's @Truthslinger aka Mutua Matheka.

He's an architectural photographer but he also does portraits from time to time. He has a YouTube channel about how all his work has come together and his ability to tell a story through his lens is what inspires me. I want to be able to tell a story through my lens.

Photo użytkownika davidowaga · Wyświetl Photo

What's one piece of advice you would give someone who is new to photography?

I'd say don't wait for the perfect moment or wait to have the perfect gear. Just work with what you have and everything will fall in place.

I still use the first camera I ever purchased and it's brought me this far and I still make amazing memories with it. If it makes you happy, you'll find a way.

I like this quote from Justice Brennan which goes, "We must meet the challenge, rather than wish it were not before us."

For me it translates to: every challenge can be a learning experience and eventually we better ourselves in every aspect, more so in our crafts. So if you're new to photography, you'll learn along the way.

Pexels Heroes is our invite-only community of the top photographers on Pexels. Find out more and apply to join here.

Photo użytkownika davidowaga · Wyświetl Photo

Photo użytkownika davidowaga · Wyświetl Photo

Photo użytkownika davidowaga · Wyświetl Photo

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Autor: Zespół Pexels · lis 05

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