Sun, Nov 21, 11:00 AM GMT
Photography. The Art of Conceptual Thinking.
Artist Talk: Photography. The Art of Conceptual Thinking.

Russian-born Kristina Varaksina moved to the USA in 2010 to get her Master’s in Photography. She currently lives and works in London.

Varaksina’s work is a creative response to what’s going on in the world and in her immediate environment. Through visual symbolism, carefully curated colour palettes and cinematic lighting she reflects the strongest emotions she and her subjects experience.

In Pexels talk Kristina Varaksina invites participants to think about what photography means to us, personally to each individual and globally to the world we live in right now. When you create an image, what kind of feeling goes into it? And what does it mean when a piece of visual art touches us? Varaksina will share her personal thought process behind her images and her relationships with other artists' work.

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Date: 21st of November

Time: 11:00 - 13:00


Important Safety Information:

If you feel sick, have a fever, have tested positive for COVID-19 and have not fully recovered, have been tested for COVID-19 and are awaiting your test results, or have been in contact with someone that tested positive for or exhibited symptoms of COVID-19 in the last 14 days, you may not participate in this event. We promise there will be more fun to be had when you’re feeling better!

By participating in this event you agree to the event terms and conditions.

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